Successful Cases

Case Study: Hull Inspection Robot for Petrobras

Project Description: Petrobras launched a challenge aimed at reducing exposure to risk in inspection activities in hard-to-reach areas that require working at height or in confined spaces, increasing the efficiency, agility and operational safety of its activities. Expected solution: A system capable of carrying out remote inspections on pipelines,

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Case Study: MPLS Network Implementation for Petrobras

Client: Petrobras Challenge: Petrobras, Brazil's largest oil and gas company, faced the challenge of implementing an MPLS network and stable dedicated links to create redundancies, guaranteeing security and efficient site management. The project also included the installation of secure routers, as well as the operation and

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Case Study: Implementation of the MPLS Network for the ANP

Challenge: The ANP needed to interconnect all its offices throughout Brazil, guaranteeing high availability and performance in data communication. The project included the need for a customizable management platform, network operation and maintenance, as well as a short delivery time. More information about ANP Solution:

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Case Study: Meeting Room Maintenance for Petrobras

Project Description: Petrobras, the largest oil company in Brazil and Latin America, has contracted Lotus ICT to manage the maintenance of its meeting rooms throughout the country. This service covers the company's main offices, including Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Vitória, among others.

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